OSMOSIS ROS implementation

The software architecture of the OSMOSIS experiment has been implemented using the ROS middleware to provide a simple reference implementation. The source code of this architecture is available on repository https://gitlab.com/osmosis/osmosis_control_ros. A complete class diagram showing ROS nodes and topics is here : UML Class diagram of ROS Osmosis controller


The following procedures is given for Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic. You must first follow the installation instructions of ROS.

You should also follow the instructions to install the OSMOSIS simulation environment.


Create a ROS workspace for the OSMOSIS experiment (or use the OSMOSIS simulation workspace), and clone the necessary repositories:

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/osmosis_ws/src
cd ~/osmosis_ws/src
git clone https://gitlab.com/osmosis/osmosis_control_ros
vcs import < osmosis_control_ros/osmosis.repos
cd ..
catkin_make --pkg osmosis_control_msgs

Launch the nodes

cd osmosis_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch osmosis_control_ros osmosisControl.launch

Controlling the robot

If you also launch the simulation environment, then you can give a goal into the navigation console, and the robot should go (press the Play button in the simulator).

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